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Somebody forgot to close their bold tag, lol.

To be completely honest, the reason all of this fell off track was because Microsoft was completely unable to control the message because of a leak about these policies. If that leak never occurred, nobody would've even thought to ask about these things. THEN MS would've started talking about the cool and unique digital features of the X1 and at that point the policies would've started becoming more clear. But the response would've been very different because people would've saw the GOOD first and thus this backlash wouldn't have been near as large as it was (perceived or actual).

This is EXACTLY what Sony was able to do with introducing the MP paywall for the PS4. NOBODY is complaining about that on any measurable level, though it's no less "anti-consumer" than all of these other things.

My personal feelings about leaks has changed over the years. We always want to find out things asap instead of when they are ready to be revealed properly. Leaks can do a lot of damage. This is one of the best examples of that.