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He is right, 50 dollars make no real diference when you want a system REALLY bad. And wanting comes from knowing that the amazing games exist.
I try to convince myself once a week that I should go buy a WiiU and everytime I think "For what?".
When I had a 360, I did the same with the PS3, and, at the time the answer was "Man, how can you mis Uncharted 1-2, Demon´s Souls, Killzone, Valkyria Chronicles, Heavy Rain and Metal Gear Solid 4?"

But the WiiU line up is still weak.
To me, a SKU with, AT LEAST 250GB HD would also help, because external hard drives with power source cost a fortune in Brazil.

But, he is right, money is not a issue here, if you really want a toy, you work a little more and save a little more to buy it. The thing is that it needs more games.

and of course, the system is too similar in power to the last gen, but this cannot be changed.
I say: the WiiU only real rendemption is dozens of games that really use the gamepad in a unique way, like:
- A Fallout with the P.I.P. on the pad.
- A Wing Commander type of game where essencial ships controls are on the pad, also sounds and stuff.
- More horror games that use the pad as some kind of thing, like a Ghost investigating game.
- A Hitchhikers Guide to the Gallaxy adventure game where the pad is the guide.
- A Batmobile game where the pad activates the gadgets.
- A dungeon RPG where you have to use the pad to draw the labirint and be able to scape
- A Civilization game where the pad is used as a interface, or Simcity.
- I can think of hundreds of ideas like this, and I am just a brazilian idiot. DO SOMETHING NINTENDO.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.