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You know. Oddly i don't rememeber much.  I guess my favorite part was how Dennis Kusinich's wife got more screen time then he did.  Pretty funny stuff.   Though right now she's head of a lobbying group and all Dennis is doing is being a Fox News contributor.(Seriously he is.)  So I guess she passed the test of time. 

As it is though.... I look back to that election and what people were saying and I think to myself....

What would be different if Mitt Romney had won.

I struggle to find an answer.

There would have be a symbolic move or two on things like Obamacare and tax reform that would fail...

but I mean really.... that's about it.

Foreign policy wise Obama is doing his best Reagan so it's not like much would change there. (Or maybe Nixon is more apt)

At the moment the only difference I can see happening is if Immigration reform passes near the end of his term. Chances are, instead of that Romney would of put his efforts towards Welfare reform and social security reform.

Really, in a way the former could boost the later for a decade or so though, so if it gets pulled off great... So long as they actually do fix the borders.