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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Mr Puggsly said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

You said Sony doesn't try to differentiate themselves. Technically they did and I just made that point.

Sony cares about Japanese gamers and so does Square Enix. Its their home turf but the Japanese are not really reacting so hot to the products and this have everything to do with Sonys lack of Japanese first party and second party support unlike their first gen or even their second gen where they brought third parties in by the boatload. Legend of Dragoon is one of my favorite JRPG's of all time and its Sony first party. If they made another I would blow up out of sheer childhood joy. The fact is that westerners spend more money and the Japanese pay more attention to what they spend money on, but to the corporations money talks. If Sony first party started focusing on Japan again Sony would be the company to bring Japanese style games back into the forefront. They did it with the PS and PS2 and never before and after have I seen a reception to games as such, even as third party. Sony had it all back then...they need to mix it up and stop focusing 100% on the westerners.

Sony doesn't really do much to differentiate themselves. They primarily just cater to what western audiences seem to care about. Shooting guns and watching cinematics.

Westerners have shown they're tired of Japanese style games. So Sony gave up on Japan and now they bring us cinematic experiences.

Sony did focus on what mattered is the point, did, which is why I alluded to the greater times of the Playstation brand. Shooters are a big thing in the west and lead to big bucks which is why Sony has invested so heavily into it. They want a piece of that pie. 

Westerners aren't tired ot Japanese style games, they just need to be dumbed down, focus less on tactics and straight forward attacking. Watch FFXV will sell very well. The best selling Japanese games right now are all western influenced. Think about it.....this isn't just a Sony problem..the biggest companies in Japan are catering to westerners as well. Thank god the devs of Dragons Dogma and Demon Souls (which Sony co created) who now changed the name to Dark Souls (since Sony owns the IP) learned to keep their games challenging.

You have proof of this?