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Aparently the casino-royal disk sold 100K copies 2 months faster than the fastest selling DVD did when DVD was first released was 9 months instead of 11 months. Not much faster than DVD but certainly not slower either.

Blu-ray had competition from HD-DVD also. Now with HD-DVD dead Blu-ray will accellerate even faster.

Consumer electronics are cheap a BD player (like PS3)  is a minor cost when upgrading your entertainment system to handle 1080p.  Those big flat TV's are very popular items. And the price of Blu-ray disks is only a little more than the same SD disk for full cinema quality images i only get blu-rays now! and soon they will be the same price.

Those people who claim that up-scaling SD disks gives real 1080p HD quality - Save your posts for April fools day.  I can hardly believe people are gullable enough to fall for this up-scaling rubbish.

If up-scaling worked you could shoot movies at 160*120 resolution then simply up-scale them to 1080p cinema quality ! .  Why buy an 8mega pixel camera just get a cheap toy 640*480 camera and upscale the images to 20 Giga pixels, then watch your freinds jaws drop when you show them your 50 dollar webcam produces better images than their expensive 8Mega pixel camera's. If you believe that do i have a deal for you hehe.

I watch 1080p upscaled SD DVD's with the PS3 regularly and they look like SD not real 1080p it's a huge difference.

PS3 number 1 fan