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Zero999 said:
HoloDust said:
snyps said:
Osc89 said:

Erm, the Wii U has come out already. For example, I don't have Pikmin 3 yet. Does it make sense for me to go into a thread on Pikmin 3 and claim I know more about it than the people that do? Everyone is on a level playing field with PS4 and X1.

it's all a matter of opinion not who knows more. unless you're an engineer holding technical specifications.

Not so can make educated guesses with info that is already available if you have bit of knowledge about hardware. He has absolutely none whatsoever apparently, when he makes such ridiculous statements thread after make a comparison, it would be if someone would start claiming that PS4 will perform on level on 780/TITAN 3-way SLI...and I mean literally.

I never said the wii u will perform in the exact SAME level of the ps4/xone but of course you would say that since you love puting words on my mouth. the fact is that we don't know the exact specifications for wii u gpu. however we do now it's highly customized and efficient gpu far ahead of what we see on ps360. we know the gpu's on ps4/xone are superior, but not that much. And when we consider the diminishing returns in graphics, we know it would take a much higher difference in order to have a noticeable and relevant graphical jump.

You should start to explain your point better, like i just did with mine, instead of calling others ridiculous. and please use something with more credibility than threads from somoene that starts with nin and ends with ade.

@bolded you tell us that no one but nintendo (and devs) know about the precise specfications of Wiiu's GPU and then proceed to say with great confidence that (even though you dont know as well) its not far off from what is inside PS4/X1. Mind telling me the logic in that? Assuming you are not a dev of course, you are making baseless assumptions (ie wishfull thinking).

Not-so-proud owner of every current-gen system. 

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― Oscar Wilde
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― Bernard M. Baruch