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Sony announced in its annual financial report that they are working on new sales initiatives for the Vita. It appears that they have been asking Nintendo to allow them to publish one Mario game on the Vita to help spur sales.

According to a source within Nintendo, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Andrew House has been meeting with Nintendo employees in an effort to secure a Mario title for the PlayStation Vita. The source, who wishes to remain anonymous, said that this has been going on for the past four months.

“I don’t know why he keeps coming here because we have clearly said no,” said the source, “But he keeps showing up unannounced with gifts and begs us to let them have one Mario title for the Vita. I feel kind of bad because these gifts are really nice. Well, everything except the free Vita. There really are no compelling games for that thing.”

“Lately, he’s been upping the offers Sony will make if we give them a Mario game,” continued the source, “They even offered to port three PlayStation 4 games of our choice to the Wii U at no cost to us. He said that they don’t care which Mario game we give them. They’d even take New Super Mario Bros. 3 if they had to.”

We spoke with Sony for a comment regarding this story and a spokesperson gave us this statement:

We spoke with Sony for a comment regarding this story and a spokesperson gave us this statement:

Sony and Nintendo have a long history together. Despite being competitors in the video game industry, many top executives are long-time acquaintances with each other. Friends do things for one another and while there is no truth to these rumors, Sony believes that Nintendo is a good company who would do the right thing if asked.

Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America president, also commented on the story saying, “I haven’t heard of these unscheduled visits from Sony, but I will allow them to publish Steel Diver for those ports.”


Btw: This is not real.

'Video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock-n-roll.'
-Shigeru Miyamoto