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This site looks pretty accurate as far as I've seen:

For many months now, the Wii has been sold out 99% of the time at amazon UK, yet it has been available for the past two days without interruption. Note that in the past, it was only available for a few minutes at a time, and now it has been available for two days. That's a huge, and very surprising difference!

Now let's make one thing clear - despite this, the Wii is still #1 in amazon's "PC/video Games" sales chart, which probably means one or more of the following:

1- the whole video game market is on a sudden huge decline at the end of February (doesn't seem very plausible to me)

2- for some reason, Nintendo is giving preference to amazon over other retailers (I wouldn't bet on it, but it's of course possible)

3- Nintendo made a huge shipment of Wiis this week (the most likely of all three, although I have to wonder how huge it has to be)

I think the above explanations are lacking though, since I don't see any of those three factors being huge enough to explain such a big difference in availability. So here is a different theory:

Amazon probably sells a lot of consoles to internet-savvy Wii scalpers who have a lot of ways monitoring availability (stock trackers, etc), and therefore usually snap up Wiis pretty quickly in order to sell them at ebay for a huge premium. If it's indeed true that supply is finally catching up with demand (as some people have suggested), maybe those scalpers are less interested in quickly buying all the Wiis available at Amazon.

What do you think? Has supply finally caught up with demand, or will this just be a very short-lived situation?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957