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Zero999 said:
bobgamer said:
Zero999 said:

thirst things first, do you know what Curé Syndrome is? If you don't like me mentioning it then the probelm is entirely yours. I keep saying it because no one seems to know it.

Why, yes. Google is a wonderful thing. You should try to use it sometime to see if you can open your eyes about the WiiU's hardware situation and relationship with third partys. It would do wonders for the quality of your posts. 

Considering Curé Syndrome is not on google I'm gonna say you don't know what it is.

And the Wii U's hardware situation is quite clear: a machine well ahead of ps360 and a little behind ps4/xone.

Like i said, whatever makes you sleep at night. However we (at least i won't) turn this thread into a discussion of this topic. If you wish to educate us all with your superior intellect, you have the complete freedom to make a thread about it.

@italic it's clear that even if someone punches in the head with hard evidence against this you will just disresgard whatever it's being said to you and claim that the person is either living in a dream world or has Curé Syndrome (im not sure you realize how much of a broken record you sound, it's amazing really). So keep on trucking man, it's not like anything will change whatever it is that i say.

Not-so-proud owner of every current-gen system. 

Next-gen is upon us folks!

And some cool and inspiring quotes

“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” 
― Oscar Wilde
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” 
― Bernard M. Baruch