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Or maybe they don't want to compromise their vision by putting it on weak hardware and dumbing it down?


With the PS4 and Xbone launches being around the corner and the Wii U STILL not getting 3rd party support, I could only see them getting utterly crushed in sales to the point where only nintendo fans and people who'll buy for their exclusives being the only ones to buy a Wii U.

Honestly since the PS4 and Xbone will receive much superior plats, and more game support in general than the Wii U then I can only see the Wii U coming in last this gen, just like the Gamecube. The core Nintendo crowd was never as big as some optimistic people on this site think, now that the Wii fad is over and the U's tablet isn't nearly as approachable, I see the Wii U having around 40M life-time sales. Which is still good tbh.