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curl-6 said:
PureDante said:
Xen said:
PureDante said:

people said no?! must be nintendo owners lol


You should work as Pachter's assistant. Maybe a few years in only half of the stuff you say about games will be nonsense. I've been a PS3 owner since early 2009, and I'm not getting it for the same reason Curl-6 isn't.

Well, arguably, you're in the minority of commercial gamers who aren't purchasing it then. It's nothing ignorant or offensive; my statement simply meant literally, must be nintendo owners because its not on their system. 

And how does this theory account for gamers like me and Xen, who have a PS3/360 but still aren't getting GTA5?

Casual, non-hardcore gamers, who don't apply to "popular, mainstream" releases.

All of this, of course, is just my opinion.

Skyrim 100%'d. Dark Souls 100%'d. 
Dark Souls > Skyrim.
Halo 4 is the best damn FPS since Halo 3.
Proud pre-orderer of 2 PS4's and an Xbox One. 

Currently Playing: Dark Souls II, South Park
Playstation 4: MGS V GZ, Killzone: Shadow Fall, NBA 2k14.