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Well first of all the biggest mistake before you even start debating is the ASSUMPTION that we humans know how everything works and science this bullshit that. We don't know everything so therefore we cant explain about things we don't know about. Science is ever expanding and it seems the more we learn the more our previous theories are contradicted I.E. earth is flat 600 years ago and now we know otherwise. I love how people EXPECT us to have all the answers on things but yet when we dont its chalked up as mythology or legend, because the human race couldn't possibly not know everything we have "science" that is ever changing and contradicting. They had science behind their theory that the earth was flat too, and in a thousand years we will do the same with what they are claiming now like the universe having a speed limit because I fucking math equation says so lol well they might not have ALL the elements needed to make that equation, there might (IS) be another force we haven't discovered yet.