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oniyide said:
snyps said:

Sorry it took me so long. I saw your reply and couldn't come up with a response. You misunderstood me actually. Right or wrong I was suggesting that if Wii U or 3DS had no exclusive features then they'd be crushed. Just like dreamcast, xbox, and gamecube were crushed by ps2. You are stating that 3D has nothing to do with 3DS success and touchscreen is not needed for Wii U to succeed. I'd like to get a response from you on how well they would do without those features! But if you can't answer then we have nothing left to discuss.

For pikmin 3 and mk8, probably you're right. Time will tell that's all. I really can't see it happening either. All I know is I haven't played them yet so I'm reserving my judgement and remaining hopeful.

Now, you asked why wouldn't the touchscreen be put on the backburner like the more popular motion control. I already answered that. The reason is, the touchscreen adds to the traditional dual analog controller, where as, the wii remote subracts from it. I can see if there is no demand and the expense is to high then sure, you have a point, the touchscreen could go on the backburner. My point is that having a touchscreen on your dual analog controller doesn't hinder the user who likes dual analog controls. So, I admit you have a point. It won't stay if users don't care about it because even though it all positives to the user, it's not worth to cost to the manufacturer. Ergo backburner like you said.

And for the discussion about it being silly for one person to have the 'alpha' controller while the other players are stuck with standard controllers. I see where it's a little weird. It just doesn't actually make a difference except in your head. There's no difference between using two ps3 controllers split-screen and using one gamepad and one pro controller split-screen (except that you don't have to split a screen). So, one more time, you are not subtracting anything from the dual analog experience when you add touchscreen. It's just hard for ppl to accept change. Please do address my questions from the first paragraph. Thank you.

you're comparing a home consoles to portables, thats already flawed. SNES and PS1 didnt get crushed. they needed no crazy features. The WIi U is getting crushed right now WITH those consoles that have been around for a lot! So that much mean the features it has isnt really worth that much of a damn. It would be doing just as bad with it but slightly worst, which is kinda sad if you think about it. Its already doing bad with its unique feature, think about how crazy that is. The 3DS was in a similar not so bad position, clearly not enough people cared about 3d which is why Ninty rushed some stuff out and dropped the price like a hot pan. But 3DS has little competition, its a Ninty handheld it was NEVER going to get crushed, 3d or not. GB had even LESS features than its comp and crushed.

Fair enough ill ire on the side of caution

IT doesnt make a difference except in your head? IMHO the fact that you can only use on pad per console is contributing to the poor sales, like I said that is a hard sell, no matter the company. Hell Apple would be hard pressed to sell that. Come on, man. THeres a huge difference. PS3 uses the SAME controller. if one person has a gamepad and the other a regular, then someone clearly has an ADVANTAGE over the other, again, thats a hell of a hard sell and that is a difference that is not in your head, its right their in living color. Now you can say maybe the gamepad will just function as a regular controller, then what the hell woudl be the the point? Save yourself arithis and just use a regular controller, then what would be the point of WIi U? Just stick to what you have. This might be a conversation someone might have. 

Snes basicly tied with megadrive and snes had extra features like mode 7, pre-rendering, and standard shoulder buttons. The ps1 and n64 had different features. One had disc technology and the other had palatable 3D. Ps2, on the other hand was the only console that gen that played dvds without special equipment. That's quite a feature for it's time. So anyway, you said what I was saying, the Wii U would be doing worse without the touchscreen feature. You say slightly I say mightily, either way, the feature is an advantage then. Especially in the long veiw and I'm glad no one copied it.

You say the person with the gamepad has the advantage over the person with the pro controller... Name one game where this is the case. You also asked me what's the point if you can just use regular controllers to do the job with less hand pain. First, I have arthritis, it hurts less when i use the gamepad and more when i use dualshock. I could tell you a long story but should be enough. Second, the benefit or point if you will, is multiplayer without cheating; looking at eachothers screen. I understand your point about it being a hard sell. Because it's a mental perception. I too want dual gamepad compatabillity. The issue is the gamepad costs 2 and a half times the price of a regular controller and the game must be programmed to support it. So there's not much incentive for consumers or developers right now. It will happen.