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Seece said:
SubiyaCryolite said:
Seece said:

And when/if you get divorced you're gonna seek out another virgin? Good luck with that.

'Righteousnes' and denying yourself perfectly morale pleasure is all in the head, you've merely convinced yourself it's the right thing.

It's all very silly to allow your life to be dictated like that.

There is nothing immoral about it btw, as long as what you do doesn't hurt another living thing, it's fine.

"And when/if you get divorced you're gonna seek out another virgin? Good luck with that." Divorce is a no no in christianity, only permitted if one partner was adulterous, and I wonder what would cause that? :p

"It's all very silly to allow your life to be dictated like that." Principles and saving your virginity (which you only have once I might add) for someone special is silly. I see.

"There is nothing immoral about it btw, as long as what you do doesn't hurt another living thing, it's fine." Most of the 7 billion people in the world would not agree with this.

LOL so divorce never happens in christianity, yeah right do me a favour. It does, in droves.

Virginity is nothing special, it's not a real thing.

Disagree about most people thinking it's immorale to have sex before marriage, I would say you're in the minority. Not even most religious people live by it, look at our very own hatmoza!

"LOL so divorce never happens in christianity, yeah right do me a favour. It does, in droves." And when did I say that? Stop hearing voices in your head. Do those droves compare to that of non religious marriages I wonder?

"Virginity is nothing special, it's not a real thing." and homsexuality is a choice because I say so. Its pretty real, just like your first words as a child >_>

"Disagree about most people thinking it's immorale to have sex before marriage, I would say you're in the minority. Not even most religious people live by it, look at our very own hatmoza" No, wrong. See in your part of the world America and Europe its acceptable. But practically every other geographical region on Earth would consider that a no no. Western Opinion != World Opinion, Popular Opinion != World Opinion. Please realize that. And Hatmoza does not represent the worlds Christians. I know a lot of riligious kids tend to bonk before marriage, and their never proud of it. Its not something they would boast about in public. And if you think Christians are perfect think again, any christian worth their salt knows they arent Perfect. But not being perfect isnt an excuse for us to live by the flesh/sinfully.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine