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Looks like i will look like a wiiU hater... IMO, the wiiU will sell the same as the Gamecube if not worse over its lifetime. Yes, Nintendo will make some money, but 3rd parties won't and won't support it over the long haul(or apparently the short haul as of today). The Wii always seemed like a fad(because of the "gimmick" contollers as many seem to be calling it). The real problem for the wiiU is that it if you take away it's unique controller pad, it seems like it is an equivalent to the PS3/360. So, if you aren't a Nintendo fanboy or core gamer, what is it offering? Nothing that hasn't been around since 2006 when the 360 launched. That's the reason that it hasn't exploded in sales(it doesn't help that it doesn't have a killer software title either). That will be the reason that the PS4 will probably do well, but no great with consumers outside of the core gaming community. It too is not giving them a reason to buy if they already have a PS3/360. Sure the core gamers will jump on it for the expanded game sizes and better graphics, but what about the casuals? Neither the wiiU or the PS4 have anything different than they already provide. I would like to say that the XBone is going to, but until they show a game that can bring in the casuals, they could be in the same boat. But, at least the XBone has a commercial selling strategy that can be used outside of the core gaming community. Who knows if it will work, but there is a chance. I thought a year ago, that Nintendo might have had a chance with the tablet interface, but obviously it didn't work for obvious reasons. The next 3 months will tell if Sony and M$ can show the greater public a reason to continue to support gaming consoles at all.