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Soundwave 20 minutes ago: says

"The root of most of their problems really does stem from their reluctance to increase their development capability. Yes, sure they have added staff, but it's pretty much offset by the fact that the 3DS/Wii U require more developer resources, so in effect they're not getting any more games and that's unacceptable.

Losing Rare and not replacing them with a comparable Western studio that could output at least 1 console title per year was a mistake IMO."

Dunaban67 says:

I agree w you Soundwave- The ironic aspect to it is Nintendo HAS THE MONEY- They have a bastion of a balance sheet- even though they are competing w huge companies like MSFT and Sony- they have the cash to fund these launches and extra development capacity- Nintendo may be in danger of putting out too many Mario platformers (among others) too close together on multiple consoles but they are in no danger of putting out too many games- they have tons of other IP s they could be developing for. They could take any number of their existing IP s and build them into franchises that could become the next Mario- or if not that big, the next Zelda or DK or the next Kirby etc....

Nintendo has cash, a great balance sheet, development talent and tons of IP to use to create value - instead they are often behind in development and feel the need to turn to the same proven franchises over and over-

I am NOT one who thinks Nintendo should go software only or go the IOS route- they could make and create huge amounts of $ s and stockholder equity with the assets they have now- they are just too" penny wise and pound foolish" at a time when the cycles of the gaming industry and the competition's willingness to aggressively use their own resources are too great to expect to be" in the black" every Q.

They could still be a relatively conservative company as they should be- but it is like they don t have enough confidence in their own abilities and resources to invest appropriately

FYI: for some reason I have never been able to respond to other post to post when I click on the "reply" tab- that is why I cut and paste and use the "quick reply"- I get an error message otherwise