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Soundwave said:
Dunban67 said:
I think the pressure to get to short term profitability is one of the big challenges Nintendo has had lately- When you launch new consoles (3DS, then Wii U) , those consoles need huge investment- not just for the console alone but for marketing and for games- until the wii U has been successfully launched, Nintendo needs to be spending money making games and buying games (among other things) for the Wii U-

Gaming is a cylycle business if there ever was one- but Nintendo was able to go many years w out a losing Quarter - so the losses of recent years are not sitting well w its investors- but todays market is different than it was in past console generations- I don t think any of the Big 3 can expect to launch a console w out losing money over the relative short term in order to make it long term-

If Nintendo had the resources to continue supporting the Wii (at least to some extent) over the last 2+ years they would still be selling almost as much software as the X360 and PS3 are today- after all the Wii has sold 100 million +/- consoles - instead of continued support for a 100 million consoles via making more games for it ( I am sure they are much cheaper to make for the wii aslo) they put those resources into making games for the wii U- which has less than 3.5 million consoles - not only that - they did not get those games out quick enough for the launch window-

my point is- Nintendo has been trying very hard to turn a profit Q to Q at a time they should be investing $$ s like crazy for at least 3 platforms (3DS, Wii and WII-U) - short term their losses would have been greater but longer term they would have made more money and been able to maintain a more diverse revenue stream

Nintendo makes money selling their own games- IMO it would be hard for them to make TOO MANY so long as they continued to be of similar quality as they typically produce-

If NSMU and Nintendoland were released on the wii (among others) in 2011/2012 and Metroid and Mario Galaxy 3 (among others) were released on the wii U in 2013 they would be hitting on all cylynders as soon as 2nd half 2013 - if they continued to support the Wii over the last 2 -3 years the profits from those software sales could be funding a large % of the extra resources spent on the Wii U to get more games out-

Nintendo, its board and shareholders are not used to losing money AT ALL - so I think it is difficult for them to get "the green light" to take the short term losses needed to get their various consoles launched and maintain their existing consoles- getting 3rd party support would help them too but that takes money as well

The root of most of their problems really does stem from their reluctance to increase their development capability. Yes, sure they have added staff, but it's pretty much offset by the fact that the 3DS/Wii U require more developer resources, so in effect they're not getting any more games and that's unacceptable.

Losing Rare and not replacing them with a comparable Western studio that could output at least 1 console title per year was a mistake IMO.

Western developers are fickle and nothing more, Nintendo suffered this with both Rare and Retro bleeding talents constantly, similar SK and Factor 5.