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Really? What valid points? When I read something like that:

"Haven't read the article, but I agree on the points posted. Most people who upgraded from gamecube to wii got burned, so they didn't buy a wii u. At the same time the wii phenomenon was a fad that wouldn't be repeated in todays world of smart phones and tablets. The Wii U just seems like it's aimed at a very small niche that barely exists. I'm part of it, heck I bought a Wii U day one, but I just can't see the system being viable 2-3 years from now. "


I see many comments here that are just pointless assumptions based on no arguments aka trolls:

- "Most people who upgraded from gamecube to wii got burned"

- "the wii phenomenon was a fad that wouldn't be repeated in todays world of smart phones and tablets"

- "The Wii U just seems like it's aimed at a very small niche that barely exists"

- "I just can't see the system being viable 2-3 years from now"


4 trolls in just 1 post and the article in question is also a giant troll, yet I'm sure most people like you will think everything is fine and that's exactly what the problem is.