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I speak from experience when I say it's not really practical to live off minimum wage or the wages right around it. To give you some context, if you work 40 hours a week at $9.00 and guestimating state and federal withholdings to be about 15%, your take home pay is $1225 a month, or just short of $15,000 a year.

However, that number fluctuates wildly depending on demand, and since Obamacare companies have been pushing to consider 30 hours a week full time so they don't have to pay for health benefits. Between the two, you'll be doing well to make $10,000 a year.

That worked in my case because I was living with my parents as I went to college, and I could keep about 75% of my take-home pay to cover college tuition. If I had to cover my own living expenses, though? HECK NO. Even if I had a roommate, car payments and insurance would mean I'd have nothing left for groceries.

Minimum wage jobs are not a viable living situation. They're pocket change for high school and college students.