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nuckles87 said:
spurgeonryan said:
We are not a socialist/communistic society. It would be nice for everyone to make doctor salary. But is not right.

Sorry mr. Khan. I am in your boat. Several degrees plenty of experience, crap or no jobs. But mcdonalds should not have to pay these workers extra for this.

We ARE a socialist society. We have social security, public roads and highways, a publically funded military, foodstamps and a variety of other social welfare programs that essentially subsidize the low wages of corporations like Walmart and McDonalds. We've funded a variety of public works, given government money to a variety of start ups and corporations.

No, not everyone should make a doctor's salary, but you are just intentionally trying to blow out of proportion what SHOULD be done: we need a higher minimum wage. It didn't used to be like this. We didn't used to have to work two jobs to survive. In fact in the 1960s we were heading towards a less then 40 hour work week. One of the big problems right now is that the minimum wage isn't worth what it used to be worth. It's currently at $7, but 40 years ago in today's dollars it would be well over $10. THAT is what these people should be making. That is what anyone with a job should be making.

Without a living wage, people either get subsidized by the government (socialism) or they starve and die in the street. I'm afraid to ask which one you prefer. Personally, I would prefer private companies pay their employees enough to survive, not have them rely on, as you would probably call them, "socialist government handouts" which is what is currently going on.

You have no idea what Socialism is, do you? America is the opposite of what Socialism is. Countries like Finland are far closer to Socialism, where ALL education is free even to foreigners. ALL healthcare is free. There are no insurance companies ripping you off when you get ill. There is not some much of a hierarchy there, because 97% of Finns are educated in public schools. There's no "prestigious" private schools. All taxes and fines are based off your income over there. Not only that, in actual "socialist" countries a decent amount of industries are owned by the state. Like in the UK from 1945 to 1979. Things like railway, mining, gas, electricity, telecommunications, car companies, even some media were ran by the state. This is alongside our healthcare and mail (the only things which weren't sold off under Margaret Thatcher and John Major). Around 1/4 of our economy was in the public sector before 1979. Regulations were also strong and the population was very unionised. 

Just because you have some sort of safety net in terms of benefits and foos stamps, that don't make America socialist. Most developed countries have this and they are all free market capitalist societies now. Also, if America is socialist why is inequality so high? Just comparing Compton, LA to Beverly Hills, LA just says it all. 

Anyway, the problem with the free market is they have NEVER paid their workers enough, even before the welfare state. It is just used as an excuse now to keep wages low. Fortunately, some working class people use the welfare state as an excuse not to work but it is hardly suprising when wages aren't high enough.  

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