Soundwave said:
There was a ton of belly aching and a lot of "wait for Mario! wait for Metroid!" at that time too (sounds familiar?), lol. The Wii U has managed to top the GCN, but believe me it wasn't pretty in 2002 either, there was a lot of complaining online about the GameCube library and a large contingent of Nintendo fans saying everything would be fine once the "big guns" like Mario, Eternal Darkness (lol), Metroid Prime, Star Fox Adventures, Zelda, etc. arrived. That's why this whole thing feels like deja vu to me in a lot of ways, this is like going through the GameCube all over again and it's funny to read some arguements that could almost be verbatim the same thing from 10+ years ago. |
It's not deja-vu as both situations again aren't comparable. The GC had to sell well very quickly to catch up in terms of installed base with the already released PS2 in order to stay relevant (which was impossible and as a result the GC was already dead on arrival). The WiiU on the other hand doesn't need to sell well as quickly as it is the first next gen. So again this comparison is pretty much pointless.