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A) For the umpteen-thousandth time, the GamePad in no way is a "tablet" controller. If it was, it would literally have zero buttons or other interface options OTHER than touch-screen. That is literally what a tablet is.

B). The PS4 using the Vita, and the Xbox One using "Smartglass", were never viable competition for the GamePad concept in the first place. The GamePad, as stated, is a REGULAR GAME CONTROLLER, that happens to have a nice, large touch screen in the middle of it. It comes packed with the console, it is THE controller for the console. Not everyone has a Vita, and not everyone has a smart phone cable of running "Smartglass". Both cost hundreds of extra dollars in addition to the cost of those new consoles. With Wii U, you get touch screen/second screen/off-tv play functionality, RIGHT out of the box, for no additional charge outside of the system cost itself.

So really, no, I don't think that it's a "good thing" that Wii U has struggled in it's first year so far. I absolutely think it will recover and succeed. Nintendo has been in this game longer than anyone else, and they're not stupid. They fucked up for sure, but they also know how to fix things.