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KylieDog said:

What does Skyward Sword really do new in terms of game design?  Nothing. 

Why compare MG Rising to Bioshock and not to something in it's own genre, like DmC which completely rebooted the story, universe, design and gameplay of its stale series.  You know, new stuff.

Because I didn't play DMC and I wanted to compare MGR, an actually fun, new, interesting game, to the critical darling that I had the "pleasure" of experiencing myself.

By the way, with respect to your previous post, I see you rated GTAIV a measley 4/10. Care to explain why that is, considering what a vast improvement its more open and fully-featured world was compared to the PS2 games? Also a note on that post, you should be aware that GTA is one of the best-selling franchises in the industry, and that Rockstar has enough buget to do whatever the hell they want, while studios like Atlus don't exactly have Final Fantasy-level budgets to throw around. So yeah, sometimes you get 2D sprites talking to each other instead of a MGS cutscene. Is that a problem?

What does Skyward Sword do new in terms of game design? Uh, it implements 1:1 motion controls to the adventure game structure, which completely changes everything about the way it is designed. You played it, right? Did you notice how you weren't pushing blocks onto switches, redirecting light with mirrors, and shooting arrows into eyeballs the entire time? Completely new set of tools, completely new set of experiences. How about how the stamina meter and shield durability affect combat? The brilliant Silent Realm sections? I'm sorry not every single thing about the game completely blew your mind with how it revolutionized the medium -- for instance, pushing up on the analogue stick still moves Link forward. Man, what lazy, uninspired design.

I'm not even here bashing Western games. I don't think Japanese or Western games are generally better or worse than the other just because they're made in a different part of the world by people who were raised in different cultures. I just think your mindless bashing of good games for no reason is ridiculously silly.