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After watching the most recent episode of Jimquistion as well as some vocal Youtubers, I starting wondering about the F2P model and what would be the best way to not screw the consumer. Here is my opinion:

  1. Free 2 Play transactions should primarily cosmetic first and foremost. Secondarily, they can be like expansion packs. When the freemium content is neither one of these, it will most likely break the game. The Free to Play model is designed to break your will and get you to buy the premium content. That's the way they get money. However, if the game has the best goods available at a price or worse, behind a paywall, it will please the purchasers of the content but will turn off the new customers who are unsure of the game. The same can be said if energy bars and timers are used with a quicker payment cooldown. The Pay 2 Win passage is just annoying to the consumers who don't want to spend much to game. It's why they chose to play a F2P game. Cosmetic content while doesn't add anything to gameplay, does look cool and can be easily an impulse buy. Expansion packs are also fair game as long as the game is relatively complete without it. As long as the free portion of the game has a decent amout of playtime so a consumer can be interested and want more of the game
  2. Free 2 Play games should have a low to no entry price. A Free 2 Play game should start off free like the name indicates. Some games can get away with a one-time fee when purchasing the game like Guild Wars 2 if they have extensive content and regular updatesbut a F2P game is free so the consumer can invest in the game without any cost to the wallet. It could also have a subscription model as an option to the transactions for expansions. However, to entice the consumer best, its best to have the entry price as low as possible. F2P models should not be used in a game that has a full-priced entry with no expansions packed in. 
  3. If the game is going to have the player buy gameplay affecting items, make sure they are balanced especially in PvP games. This means the best stuff objectively should not be able to be purchased but rather obtained through work in the game. The stuff purchased through transactions should be better than the stuff that one starts out with but not so much so that the beginners have little way to win. They also must be almost all available through the leveling system though fanservicey gear is fine to put behind paywall if it isn't good. In PvE games, there should not be free leveling unless situation would highly benefit from it(like in JRPGs when you don't use that one character but he is needed in the endgame). The best loot should also be drops only.
Those 3 main points seem to me the most important aspects of a F2P model.

My Hummingbird

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