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happydolphin said:

Why do I even waste my time with you?

The point is Ultima, they have their context, they can read discrete numbers any so which way they want. You bringing up hours and o'clocks does not make you right, I hope you understand that your point was weak, and that a lot of points that contradict the bible are similarly very weak. If you are serious about any of this try theology it is actually very deep a science and goes WAY beyond the surface of what most skeptics tend to consider valid arguments.

I've read theological works, trust me. I find this mass belief in the utterly unreasonable and impossible quite fascinating. Don't make any assumptions.

And if you think the  point is weak, fine, I proposed multiple times that we drop it, because it doesn't matter, as you don't even know which passage you're arguing over. Jesus... And if you say that a lot of points that contradict the bible are weak, then you're just assembling a strawman.