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Who buys the most fast food - the rich or the poor?

If prices go up due to higher wages, who will get hit the most with the price increases - the rich or the poor?

If you really want to increase wages at businesses, why not reduce government regulations and taxes on these workers? As it stands, every business has to pay 20-30% on top of their wages to pay for government requirements to exist and operate. Remove some of those, and force businesses to use the excess capital to pay better, and to train/hire better quality staff.

As others have said, the issue is inflation. When you increase minimum wages, or wages in a certain sector via manipulation (such as unions in this case), it will have consequences. People will eat out less. They will downsize, and some will be without work. If you're fine with those consequences - feel free to desire such things. I'll just take my Taco Bell dollar and cook at home, resulting in them not having a paycheck, and keep the cash for myself (like others will).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.