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happydolphin said:
Fifaguy360 said:

Unfortunately the website does the same thing (item 67). It says from  Abraham, but counts Abraham at the same time. From 6 oclock to 7 oclock is not 2 hours. So author(s) of Mathew counted wrong.

It's inclusive. So yeah, 6 to 7 is 2 hours if you're inclusive of both 6-7 and 7-8.

No, that's wrong. From 6 o'clock to 7 o'clock is one hour. Inclusive/exlusive makes absolutely no difference here, we are dealing with a continuous variable.

It's also wrong to start at one when counting generations. How many generations are there from father to son?

But honestly, it shouldn't really matter, as long as you're consistent, since you'll just be adding one. If you like at Matthew 1 and Luke 3, you see that the number of generations from Abraham to Joseph is very different with respect to the two accounts.