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spurgeonryan said:

they made the poor choices in life. they stand there and flip a burger patty and repeat. why do they need more than minimum wage? they did not work hard in schoolb or did drugsb or got kidsb or etc. get a second job then. you pay for your choices in life.

Now this attitude is one that does bother me.  We do not respect work at all.  It is one thing to discuss market realities, but to condemn all low wage workers as lazy or stupid or drug addicts and the poor are all repsonsible for their lot in life is a rather simplistic view ignoring many nuances.

It is perfectly possible to work hard through school studying hard, get a high GPA, be an honor student, do well on your ACT, get a scholarship, go to univeristy, maintain high GPA, study and work the whole way through to avoid debt, study abroad, volunteer, do everything to pad resume, graduate happen to do so in 2008 and the economy goes in the crapper and find yourself working 77 hours a week for minimum wage to  make ends meet.

What bothered me most?  This attitude where I obviously must be an idiot, a slacker or a fool because only "those people" work for minimum wage. I couldn't possibly have done all I was told, been on straight and narrow, and still none of it mattered.  It took me years to finally have a piece of my own company and start to earn a decent living off my income and my investments.  

Sorry if I got a bit hot under the collar, but I repeated got looked down upon because I worked various jobs to save money up as it was obvious no one was going to hire and pay me a decent living.