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insomniac17 said:
Cubedramirez said:

Kudos for mentioning Mises and Hayek. That was a pleasant surprise.


If you raise the minimum wage in order to provide a "living wage" for people, then you will also have to ensure that inflation does not take place. Otherwise, all raising the minimum wage will do will be to drive up the cost of everything else. Other people will get a pay increase, because they don't want to work for minimum wage; many of these people got a degree or some training and have knowledge in their field that the average person does not (thus, there is more demand for these people, because there is a lower supply of qualified workers). The effect of that, of course, is to drive up prices across the board... putting you back to square one, where you find yourself in need of raising the minimum wage again.

The problem with preventing inflation is that you'll basically have to freeze wages and prices for everyone. After raising the minimum wage, of course. But this harms everyone too, because businesses will get less profit. That might sound good at first, but less profit for a business means less room to expand, less motivation to expand with lower returns, fewer jobs being created, and an overall loss of wealth by everyone in the economy.

Increasing the minimum wage sounds nice, but it's really just kicking the can down the road. I can sympathize with low wage earners, as I am one myself (making less than the apparent average of $9.02/hr for fast food cooks). But I understand that my job is something that could be done by literally anyone with hands, feet, and a semi functional brain. It's a temporary job while I seek to improve my skills that will hopefully lead to a better job down the road.

 The money comes down from the top. Meaning CEO's and exec's will give up pay. Pay goes up by 30% as price will only go up by 10%. This is a talking point that has no facts. It's just a talking point. Every time we have raised the minimum wage nationally THEeconomy has grown. However since the 80's pay has been stagnet, so we don't get paid as much as we used to including inflation. So great that you want to beat up on workers as the pay of the rich has skyrocketed. The government used to also pay for 80% of tuition, now it only covers 20%. So we are all getting the shaft and you like that? All good paying jobs also pay less then they used to. A lot can be contributed to free trade deals on both sides of the aisle.

Our Corrupt Congress has allowed 94% of all US Media to merge under the control of just 5 Corporations.

Voters are distracted with information about celebrities and petty criminals with no real, in depth news reporting on the cozy connection of Corporations and Congress.

We don't have an energy plan, Corporate Welfare grows in the face of a $17 Trillion Debt, we conducted two 10-year wars, the Federal Reserve gives Billions to Corporations, Corporate Profits are the highest in history with high unemployment and our media keeps us abreast of the Kardashians.

We Must Remove the Money From Politics!!!!!!