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spurgeonryan said:
Soleron. If mcdonalds were to raise their wages to 15, then everyone else will have to as well. Fuck it. I would go work there, get fat, be lazy and cook pre cooked food. Americans are not stupid. It is a minimum wage job. That is why there is a minimum wage. For jobs like this where you do nothing but turn a microwave on.

1. $15 is a negotiating position, not what they expect to get. It'll be the Fox News scare headline, watch this space.

2. Minimum wage should be enough to barely live on @ 40 hours a week without state support. If that's $10, then yes everyone should get $10. What is your problem with that?

And when I say get fat and be lazy I mean you are usuaually eating your lunch there. And the laxy part is your life choices. Come back to haunt you. Anyone can go to college. Either technical or trade or whatever suits your needs. They decided not to. Ever hear of the pell grant?

I'd really like you to speak with a few long-term workers there. I think you'd find many are unable to afford the break in income or debt to go to college, and/or are caring for kids/disabled people. Even if that's only a small fraction of them, your argument is hollow. They deserve a living wage and you deserve not to subsidise them via taxes.