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mrstickball said:
MDMAlliance said:
mrstickball said:

New Testament is a bit different, though. There are 20,000 manuscripts that have been found and utilized to make up what we read today. Between the 20,000 source manuscripts, there is almost no variance between them, aside from translation differences between the languages they are written in. They all say the same thing about Jesus, and the writings thereafter by Paul, Peter, and the writers of the Gospels.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find any document from antiquity that is even close to that kind of relaibility - even the works of the historical scholars that make up our understanding of the ancient world. Even then, the 3rd party, non-religious accounts of Christianity agree with what the NT says, where the statements are available.

Having said that, a book writen by a Muslim on Christ is going to be heavily biased against Christ's claims. Much in the same way if a Christian wrote about Mohammed.

You speak as if you have anywhere near as much background as this guy in Religious History.  I have talked to someone who was studying Religion and he would disagree with you, just as Aslan would.  There are many bad translations in the Bible and there are also books that have been lost (New Testament).  

Also, your last part really shows how prejudiced you are.  Him being Muslim suddenly means he's going to be biased against Christ's claims?  I know how you make your arguments and I rarely ever agree with you, and you make really bad arguments all the time so I'm not even going to bother responding past this.

You do....Understand what Islam says about Jesus, right?

Muslims' belief in Jesus is vastly different than a Christian's belief in Jesus. One believes he is the messiah, and son of God. The other believes he is simply another prophet of God. Why would you believe that someone that has that faith will publish books that would attack his own religions' beliefs about that person?

Like I said, it'd make as much sense as a Christian proclaiming that Mohammed is Allah's prophet, and that Jesus isn't the Son of God. They're conflicting religious viewpoints.

A simple Wikipedia search on Jesus in Islam would agree with this statement:

Just read a bit. You'll understand why both religions' beliefs of Jesus are heavily conflicting with one another.

I am not being prejudiced against Muslims by stating this simple fact. No Muslim believes the way I do about Jesus. If they did, they really couldn't be considered Muslim, because it would negate their own prophet's declaration about the nature of Allah. Likewise, taking a Muslims' account of the nature and lack of divinity of Christ would fully negate the core components of what a Christian believes. They are mutually exclusive. Yes, both believe that Jesus existed, but their belief on his nature are heavily divergent.

If you can't understand this, then I really have nothing else to say to you. These statements aren't an attack against Muslims. I respect their right to believe differently about Al-Isa than I do. But I'm not going to agree with their viewpoint, because I do believe its wrong as a Christian - because if I did take their viewpoint on the nature of Al-Isa, then I would no longer be a Christian.

Thank you sir for understanding. I am a muslim and I believe in Jesus or Isa (sm) but in a different way. We believe Jesus or Isa (sm) was not crucified and is still alive. BTW Foxnews strikes again. They havent read the book beyond the cover. lol.