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Max King of the Wild said:
silentdj151 said:

Once again I do not deny the fact that George Zimmerman thinks he did nothing wrong.

How does this collaberate his story.  

Did you confront the guy you shot? No
Were you in fear for your life when you shot the guy? Yes 

The lead detective of the case thought manslaughter was the correct charge and he also thought Zimmerman embellished his story.

Once again SELF-DEFENSE claim not valid because:

Were you in fear for your life when you shot the guy? Yes 
Physical evidence states otherwise and his judgement was terrible and wreckless that night in using his firearm =  Manslaughter

Anyways keep defending zimmerman or in my case impling that his is a liar and murderer.

Zimmersman life will suck for the rest of his life regardless 


Well a lot of misinformation here. First of all it was a voice analyzer so it was running throughout his entire statement. And it indicated he was telling the thruth. The yes and no questions were to target more specific points. You obviously didnt watch the video i linked you that you said you watched or you would know this. That wasn't the only thing that corroborates his story either. Witness testimony with physical evidence does as well. As for serinos reccomendation. Yes he believed that was the correct charge but he himself even said he didn't think there was enough for that

Also, watch Zimmermans teacher's testimony if you want to know when self defense applies. And it does. You don't need physical evidence to claim self defense especially in Florida. Due to stand your own ground laws you don't need to try to retreat like you would in other states (which is all that means) but that doesn't matter because Zimmerman was pinned down... he couldn't retreat even if it wasn't a stand your own ground state. That means this is solely self defense. And self defense has 2 things. First is you need to be in reasonable fear that you are in great bodily harm. Not even life threatening just great bodily harm. If this applies then you are able to use deadly force before that great bodily harm occurs.

Was Zimmerman in fear? Well he was yelling for help in a phone call for over 40 seconds and probably longer before he fired his gone. So yes. He was in fear. Was it reasonable? Well, he was getting his head slammed into the pavement... people have died from concussions hours after suffering them without knowing they had one... so yes it was reasonable.

But fuck, keep spreading that misinformation


It comes down if you believe George Zimmerman or not.

I do not and you do.

I do not know for fact if his head slammed into concrete and neither do you I do.

So stop spreading misinformation!


Martin is dead due to wreckless and terrible decision making of zimmerman who did not use reasonable force in self defense = manslaughter

Martin commited no crimes that night.

You mention stand your Ground so if you want to go there. Martin actually had more claim to stand your ground then Zimmerman. Martin was near his "castle" and had a right to defend himself.  Based on Martin's friend who was on the phone with him at the time of encounter he said he was scared and being followed. 

Like I said George Zimmermans life will suck forever...