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DaRev said:
happydolphin said:


Failing on so many simple details alone tells us that nothing in the New Testament can be trusted.


Though I guess that you would hardly need to find contradictions within the NT to reach that conclusion. The thing is biased as hell and has a very clear message that the authors wish to send. (One that I'd love for more people, including Fox News, to follow: Love your enemy as you love yourself.)

Have you read them? They are very weak. Example:

2)Who approached Jesus?  (Matthew 8:5-7)  The Centurion approached Jesus, beseeching help for a sick servant.  (Luke 7:3 & 7:6-7)  The Centurion did not approach Jesus.  He sent friends and elders of the Jews.

It should be obvious that whether the centurion or his friends approached Jesus, the oral tradition accounts for variances such as those. Ultimately what mattered is that the centurion, or people in his name, approached Jesus.

This dude obviously didn't read the sourse he quoted. Just taking the first purported contradiction i.e. "1)How many generations were there between Abraham to David?  Matthew 1:17 lists fourteen generations.  Matthew 1:12-16 lists thirteen generations." If he had read the Bible he would see that while Mat 1:17 does say that there were 14 generations between Abraham and David, Mat 1:12-16 lists the generation after that time, i.e. after David, and clearly states in Mat 1:12 that "And after they were brought to Babylon,...", mean those (13? I didn't count) generations were after the Abraham to David generations.

I didn't read the rest of the "contradictions" because the author clearly stumbled out of the gate with his point. Try again...please


Happydolphin brought up a perfect example of a contradiction in the very post that you quoted and there are many more like it in the link that I provided. (Which I'm sure you actually read but wanted to avoid talking about by creating this minor distraction.)