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Max King of the Wild said:
silentdj151 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
silentdj151 said:
Zimmerman's life shall forever be changed for the worse, he may walk as a free man, but like he said on the Hannity interview "It's gods "WILL"...I wouldn't change a thing".

That's right Zimmerman:

To show how our justice system is flawed
To show how little value we place on black youth as a society


Zimmerman should be in jail for manslaughter...period!
Anyone who argues against that is a complete idiot!

Waiting for idiot replies...

Zimmerman your life will suck for the rest of your life, I hope some day you will tell the truth what happen that night.


Reported for what?

Your wrong is not a argument.

And does not warrant a in depth response, if you like one please present a vaild argument.

thanks have a nice day

Trayvon being black has nothing to do with anything for starters. There was not enough evidence for manslaughter as well or else he would be in jail. He did tell the truth of what happened that night. He passed 2 lie tests and all the evidence and witness testimony supported it. And his life might suck but it wont be because of what happened it will be because of people like you who dont know what they are talking about

Source please: passed 2 lie tests?


Involuntary manslaughter is the unlawful killing of another human being without intent. The absence of the intent element is the essential difference between voluntary and involuntary manslaughter. Also in most states, involuntary manslaughter does not result from a heat of passion but from an improper use of reasonable care or skill while in the commission of a lawful act or while in the commission of an unlawful act not amounting to a felony.

Generally there are two types of involuntary manslaughter: (1) criminal-negligence manslaughter; and (2) unlawful-act manslaughter. The first occurs when death results from a high degree of Negligence or recklessness, and the second occurs when death is caused by one who commits or attempts to commit an unlawful act, usually a misdemeanor.

Although all jurisdictions punish involuntary manslaughter, the statutes vary somewhat. In some states, the criminal negligence type of manslaughter is described as gross negligence or culpable negligence. Others divide the entire offense of manslaughter into degrees, with voluntary manslaughter constituting a more serious offense and carrying a heavier penalty than involuntary manslaughter.

Many statutes do not define the offense or define it vaguely in common-law terms. There are, however, a small number of modern statutes that are more specific. Under one such statute, the offense is defined as the commission of a lawful act without proper caution or requisite skill, in which one unguardedly or undesignedly kills another or the commission of an unlawful act that is not felonious or tends to inflict great bodily harm.

Self Defense claim:

"A defendant is entitled to use reasonable force to protect himself, others for whom he is responsible and his property. It must be reasonable."

Physical evidence would show that Zimmerman did not warrant using lethal force.

As far as for him stating he feared for his life the physical evidence does not back that claim.

The problem with the case is Martin is dead, so Zimmerman's viewpoint are the facts for the case.

If you watch all the interviews he gave, it would show contradiction.

The guy shows no remorse of taking a life.

Logically that would tell me he not teling the whole truth of what happen that night.