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Max King of the Wild said:
silentdj151 said:
Zimmerman's life shall forever be changed for the worse, he may walk as a free man, but like he said on the Hannity interview "It's gods "WILL"...I wouldn't change a thing".

That's right Zimmerman:

To show how our justice system is flawed
To show how little value we place on black youth as a society


Zimmerman should be in jail for manslaughter...period!
Anyone who argues against that is a complete idiot!

Waiting for idiot replies...

Zimmerman your life will suck for the rest of your life, I hope some day you will tell the truth what happen that night.

Heres your reply. You are wrong. There is no use in even continuing with you with your thought process.


oh and reported

Reported for what?

Your wrong is not a argument.

And does not warrant a in depth response, if you like one please present a vaild argument.

thanks have a nice day