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DaRev said:
ultima said:
mrstickball said:
Adinnieken said:
Mr Khan said:
happydolphin said:



The new testament is a very small, cherry picked subset of the said manuscripts. Even still, there is a vast amount of contadiction in the new testament. The bible, new or old testament, is not an accurate account of history.

(At bold) That does not have to be true. A christian outright rejects the notion of Mohammed being a prophet, whereas muslims say that Jesus was a prophet.

@ bold: Like what? Give some examples,...please.

Like the genealogy of Joseph, early life of Jesus, end of Judas. There are more, these are all I can remember off the top of my head.

And I gotta love the story about Jesus and the fig tree. Jesus apparently destroyed a fig tree because it had no figs, despite the fact that it wasn't the season for the tree to have figs. This story is recounted in (at least) two places in the bible. And I remember there being some kind of contradiction between these two stories. This story just makes me laugh.