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happydolphin said:
Runa216 said:

You scare me.  The above response is 100% the kind of tricky, slippery, slimy, backwards, do-anything-to-contort-the-world-to-prove-a-point mentality is about 75% of the reason I'm so aggressively outspoken about religion being taught and perpetuated in modern civilization.  It's an affront to progress both intellectually and sociologically.  The other 25% goes out to the terrorists and extremists that perpetuate the "Science raises buildings, Religion brings them down" mentality that I've been harbouring for years.  

I reported you. My post has nothing slippery nor slimy, is not backwards, nor am I blurring any lines to prove a point. I'm neither affronting progress intellectually nor sociologically. I'm not not even 25% similar to terrorist or extremist thinking. You have an issue, you need to deal with it. I'm dead serious.

Why you gotta report people :'(