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MDMAlliance said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
NintendoPie said:
happydolphin said:
With a name like Aslan, I'm surprised he didn't eat her head off.

He might as well have. After all, he does have a PhD in History of Religions, you know.

Edit: Also, Aslan is a cool name. I feel like I heard it from somewhere before, though...

A PhD is meaningless honestly.It doesnt make him 100% correct.

 He never claims to be 100% correct.

A degree means you learned the facts,it doesnt mean your opinion is valid.

 A lot of the things argued here are not opinions, but actually highly documented history. 

I know people with scientific degrees that say some really stupid things.

  Which is exactly why you see those scholars making stupid criticisms to his book.

Our scholars also lack a complete history of the world to fully know the history of religion.

And if you paid any attention to what he says,  he says that it is debatable. 

 We know of religious stories that date back 15k years. I doubt his knowledge or anyone else today or any library in the world contains everything about every religion because we just dont have the information.

Once again, never makes that claim.

Not that i have any issue with him writting a book as long as his religion didnt get in the way of reporting the facts,but a degree does not mean you instantly win any argument and to suggest that anyone with a degree knows what they are talking about shows a serious lack of understanding about what a degree is and how you actually get one or dont get one.  

He doesn't make that argument, he consistently talks about his PhD to prove that him being Muslim has nothing to do with what is in his book, it is the fact that he studies the topic and have a lot of background in it, so he can talk about it from a much more objective point of view than someone who simply talks from what they have personally experienced.

Dude really? You are totally off. I am not disagree with the author of the article. I am telling someone who is pointing out he has a degree so must be right that that is not the case. Your defending him like I am suggesting he said those things and that is not the case at all.