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Chris Hu said:
thismeintiel said:
Chris Hu said:

There where zero eye witnesses so no one knows who really started the fight. 

Oh, so you believe Zimmerman is not guilty, now.  That's good.  Since, you know, there is no evidence that Zimmerman started the fight, either.  And during the fight, Zimmerman clearly acted in self defense, so the jury did the right thing.  I'm glad you have changed your mind.

Just because Zimmerman didn't get convicted doesn't mean he is innocent there are millions of guilty people walking around freely every day.  Casey Anthony didn't get convicted also, that doesn't mean she is innocent.  The only thing those two cases proof is that the Florida is a joke when it comes to  properly investigating criminal cases.

Casey Anthony has nothing to do with this case, as all the evidence in the Zimmerman case supports Zimmerman's version of events.  In other words, a open and shut self defense case.  Am I pissed by the Casey Anthony verdict?  Yea.  I believed she murdered her baby.  Am I going to call for the Federal government to change the outcome of the trial, while labeling Casey Anthony a racist?  No.

The sad fact about the Zimmerman case is people still want to focus on the dead "innocent black boy" and the "racist white murderer who stalked him."  The problem with that is it's not factually accurate.  But to those people, facts don't matter.  It doesn't matter that Trayvon was much taller than Zimmerman and was athletically built.  It doesn't matter that Zimmerman actually stopped following Trayvon after the dispatcher told him they didn't need him to.  It doesn't matter that Trayvon had plenty of time to get home, but instead decided to stick around.  It doesn't matter that Zimmerman had a broken nose and was having his head repeatedly smashed into the concrete sidewalk.  All that matters is Trayvon, the "victim," was black and Zimmerman, the "murderer," was "white."

The saddest part is that is if Zimmerman didn't have a gun and was unable to call for help, and Trayvon had actually been able to smash his brains in, then this would have stayed a local story.  Just like all the black murders done by other blacks in the inner cities.  Those are ignored because they illustrate a real problem that would actually take people who care, and are willing to put the effort in, to fix.  It also doesn't allow the media and politicians (mostly on the left)  to do what they love doing most, stirring the race pot.  Why else would they call a Hispanic a white man, and yet call Obama black, when they both have the same amount of white in them?