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JayWood2010 said:

If anybody was wondering what the Japanese comment people has been talking about from Phil Fish and Johnathon Blow here it is.  To be fair, Blow said what he said in a much better manner and tried to be instructive.  Fish on the other hand just seemed rude and the guy laughing hysterically  didnt help.

In all honesty though, FEZ is a good game though.  Even if he is a jerk FEZ was good and hopefully he doesnt leave the industry.  Just improve his attitude a little and maybe apologize for some of his comments.


FEZ and Braid and Super Meat Boy were all solid games. But everything they were they owed absolutely and unquestionably to the Japanese made platformers that came before them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but in all blunt honesty, who the fuck are people like Blow and Fish to criticize the Japanese games' industry? It's not exactly as if the games THEY made are SO fucking innovative and amazing, that their shit doesn't stink and they somehow have a place or right to sit and shit talk or criticize games the Japanese are making.

Phil Fish especially is so full of his own shit that it's actually kind of nausiating. This stupid French Canadian cunt (and I happen to like Canadians) thinks he is such a fucking rockstar just because he made ONE game that, lucky for him, happened to do pretty well. The industry does NOT need assholes like him, and nobody is seriously going to miss FEZ 2 ever existing THAT much. Seriously, fuck that guy and the horse he rode in on.


If anything, I would say it is Western game developers, not Japanese, that need to quit doing the same shit over and over and actually try to be innovative. A game like "The Last of Us" may be popular and capture hearts, people may get excited about the next Halo and Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto, but those games are all literally the same old shit that's been done before, over and over and over again over the last decade+. I fully agree that companies who were once great but now kind of suck, such as Namco, Konami, Capcom, Square, etc., need to get their shit together and go back to what made them GREAT a long time ago.

But on the other hand, to ME personally at least, a lot of the best, and most talented developers are still coming from Japan. Nintendo, despite people's criticisms of them, and despite them continuing to carry on long time franchises, they still find ways to do new things with those old franchises, they find ways to innovate and bring freshness. And their games stand out as being unique in an industry flooded with shooters and generic "sandbox" games. But what's more, developers like Treasure, like Camelot, like Good-Feel, like Monolith Soft, like Team Ico, like Vanillaware, and Nigoro (makers of La-Mulana), or Pixel (creator of Cave Story), like Platinum Games (formerly Clover), like Grasshopper Manufacture, like HAL Laboratories, etc. etc. etc. I feel that a lot of the best (or at least best and most interesting to me as a gamer) content is still to this day coming out of Japan.

So really, who the hell is some classless, clueless, in-love-with-his-own-self-made-legend fuck like Phil Fish to sit and tell a Japanese developer that modern Japanese games "Suck" and that they need to "get with the times". If "getting with the times" means them producing their OWN versions of games involving shooting things with guns, I'm good. I'd rather have a modicum of creativity, myself.