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DS had a low rez screen but 2D art works really good on it, almost like native high rez 8-16bit art style....but if you remember 3D on the DS....yeah it was a pile of poop. Luckly the DS was dominated with 2D games so it was all good.

The 3DS has a lot more 3D games, the 3DS low rez screen hurts the IQ, there simply isn't enough pixels to display what the GPU is actually capable of, however, 2D games still look good...there's also the fact that IOS/Android games have come along way and their visuals at high rez already look far far better than what the 3DS currently produces with it's low rez screen.

The important thing to remember is that while the 3DS has a physical screen resolution of 800x240, the effective rendering resolution is actually 400x240, it generates two 400x240 images, one for the left eye and one for the right eye. These two images is what actually carries the depth data which our brains are able to process, however, what we end up seeing is just a 400x240 image with depth data. the physical resolution is higher because of the way the glassless 3D technology works, it needs to simultaneously display both the right eye and left eye image and it does this via it's parallax screen. Had it required 3D glasses like regular TVs then the physical resolution would be 400x240 and the image would flick on screen sequentially showing the right eye image followed by the left eye image and so on, the glasses would then black out one eye at a time in sync with the TV, and this would be done so fast that we could not perceive the flicker that's accouring, in any case they both have their pros and cons.

To me, the 3DS would have been better served with a high rez 2D screen, the 3DS GPU would of been able to show even more graphically impressive games than it has right now , because all the resources spent generating a 2nd image for the 3D effect to work would now be dedicated to just the one image.

It's clear that the glassless 3D novelty was just that, a novelty and clearly not the main reason why people are picking it up, despite the novelty being there people didn't care and it's its sales tanked at launch with high price and little games being the reasons, nintnedo fixed that up quite well and now the price is reasonable and it has a healthy game library. So was the glassless 3D wroth it?, right now I'd say no, and like I said the 3DS would of been better served by a better high rez 2D screen, but back during the concept phase of the 3DS, and the booming 3D TV's, content, and big 3D movies I can see why Nintendo choose the direction they did...which is unusual because they don't normally follow industry tends....oh well.

From what I said earlier, your statement "I feel that we care for more on the graphics on 3DS titles than we did DS titles. " seems fairly normal, our exposure to products from Nintendo's compeition has increased our baseline expectations, and although we can still play and enjoy 3DS games, we can't help but think 'I wonder how this would of looked like if it was on _______ (any product from PSvita to smart phones to tablets)'

Thats my 2 cents, take it as you like.