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Shinobi-san said:
pokoko said:
JayWood2010 said:
DirtyP2002 said:

I made this comment on N4G two days ago:


It is time for indie devleopers to be quite once for all.
Let's face it, 98% of indie games are trash. They don't deserve the slightest attention, let alone a pricetag above "free".

Somehow these nerds became so freaking vocal over the past years. It was MS with XBLA that gave them the chance to be on consoles. I loved the split between XBLA and XBLIG. The user knew right from the start where the potential really is. XBLA offered some cool experiences that got the attention they deserved. (State of Decay is awesome, go and buy it now!)

But something like 10 releases over a generation that almost took a decade to end, there is not much the indies brought up that was worth my time. Limbo, Braid, Super Meat Boy, Trials,  Castle Crashers, Journey, Minecraft and yeah... that was it. Maybe I forgot one or two titles though.

Suddenly these indie "designers" (not even developers! I am looking at you Jonathan Blow) come up and want to have influence on the hardware design of the console. Who do they think they are? Their best selling games sell somewhere in the 200k - 500k region for $10 and those are celebrated like oh so successful titles. On the other hand retail releases selling 800k for $60 are called out for lackluster sales.

Jonathan Blow made one (in numbers: 1) game. Braid. And that was 5 years ago. Since then he talked so much nonsense about stuff he has no clue about. And that is just one example.

Look Phil Fish (The FEZ-guy) saying "your games suck" to Japanese developers. This guy is just embarrissing.

And those guys want to have an influence for a hardware that costs Sony and MS BILLIONS in R&D? They are living in an ecosystem Microsoft and Sony created ffs. They should be THANKFUL to release their games on these platforms.

IF you believe in your game, you should not worry that it won't stick out of the masses of indie games. It is a competitive market for everyone in this industry. Mobile developers, indie developers, major AAA developers, console manufacturers - why should indie games get another treatment?

I could go on and on, but I got to work.

Good comment.  I also want to add that Braid and FEZ are not even one of the top sellers for  XBLA/PSN.  I know Braid and FEZ sold well on XBLA but not nearly as well as games such as Castle Crashers, Trials, State of Decay, Limbo, and Minecraft.  Those developers dont go around criticizing companies and other developers either and they made more successful title in the same market.

Though I will say i did enjoy Braid.  But not in my top indie games either.

It's not a good comment, it's nothing but a massive generalization.  Ten good releases over a generation?  An opinion, yeah, but one I completely and totally disagree with.  I wouldn't trade Torchlight, AudioSurf, World of Goo, Trine, Deponia, or Machinarium for most of the "AAA" titles out there.  I don't give a rat's ass how much it cost to make, I only care if it's good or not.


That comment was better left at a place like N4G.

To say that 98% of indie games are trash is crazy. Not only is the worth of a game specific to the player but that figure was pulled straight out of hes ass.

you never visited  XBLIG, did you?

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...