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It was bad decisions made by both them and unfortunately Mr. Martin attacked the wrong man. Could have George Zimmerman just walked away...absolutely. But there had been a rash of robberies in the community and he was looking out for the neighbood hood that his peers put him in place to protect. Zimmerman was not guilty of murder and the jury got it right. There is no law against bad judgement....but give the democrats a few more years and they'll find a way to take away that right too.

What really bothers me is how the media has portrayed this case from the beginning. Obama is half African American and by all means is considered black by the African American Community. Zimmerman is half Hispanic but he is considered does that work? The media should be proud of themselves for making race relations the worst they have been since the Rodney King beating. Much like the flame bait articles posted on videogame sites, I hope the hits were worth it.