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Kazus said:
Chris Hu said:
Bill Whittle is a asshole anything he says is right wing propaganda paid for by the Koch Brothers. Also George Zimmerman had more of a violent past then Trayvon Martin.

What I was going to say in a nutshell. BIll Whittle is worth no one's time and if you actually do your own research Zimmerman was more than looking for trouble and is the main reason this tragedy happened. Nobody told him to get out the car and assume that Trayvon Martin was up to trouble, no matter the circumstances. He had no reason to play "hero", let the police do their job.

He had every reason to protect himself and his property. he was a captain in neighborhood watch. You do know the whole neighborhood agrees to that right? Meaning he was there by the community asking him to be.


This has to be the stupidest argument yet.


He should have let the little theif rob everybody and go about his business because he is black you are not allowed to question him....Its just laughable and makes no sense at all.