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Soundwave said:

Anyone think Nintendo's sitting on a gold mine here and maybe doesn't realize it? A Subspace Emissary type concept expanded into a full game would be a monster franchise.

Kinda like an Infinity Gauntlet/Avengers concept for the Nintendo universe (look at what The Avengers did for Marvel movies). I think it would work better if it wasn't anchored to the Smash Bros. engine either -- the Mario 3D World engine for instance would suit a game like this better. Co-op play.

I think that would be a 10-20 million selling franchise on its own.

A main villain character causes Link/Mario/Pitt/Samus/Fox/Cap Falcon/DK/Ash/etc. all have to team up to stop him from destroying the Nintendo universe or something. Sprinkle it with references to old Nintendo products (the Famicom/NES, and so on). Like the Marvel movie concept maybe they have subtle little tie-ins to this game in regular Mario/Zelda/Pokemon/etc. games too to build it up.

Would be great I think. Maybe have small cameos from third party characters (Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Monster Hunter dude, etc.).

How about a Kingdom Hearts game with only the Nintendo franchise? I loved to see it play out like thousand year door where the main character is mario and he travels to worlds where each one belongs to a certain Nintendo franchise and meets up with the protagonist of that series. They team up thousand year door style meaning there will only be mario and one partner on screen. That partner will have an ability to help mario explore that world. They can even make the game turn based like thousand year door with two characters battling and the partner can switch or have it played out like Mario RPG where you can only have three characters on screen at one time for more strategy.

Problem is the game can only handle so much worlds (probably eight) so not all franchise will be covered. Only the popular ones or ones with differet worlds will be used. If we were to copy Thousand Year Door's world themes,  first would be Mario's own world where you meet Yoshi(first world-rogueport), then Zelda (forest & castle), Pikmin (ancient forest), Pokemon (glitz arena), Luigi's Mansion (haunted place), Donkey Kong (vactaion-jungle) to Metroid/Windwaker (space pirate/pirate level), f-zero or star fox/toon link (huge train like vehicle), ice climber (snow) to Kirby (distant planet in space). The final area would be Kid Icarus (underground) with Hades as the main villain.