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Wierd, I coulda swore I'd heard about this ages ago.

Metrium said:
I really don't understand Sakurai's reasoning? Not making cutscenes or story because it does'nt feel special enough since ppl can see them on youtube? And that because of that, are not a worthy award to move forward into the game? The hell?!

First of all, what are the ''reward'' of beating a game? First their is the fun and accomplishment of it, nothing can take this away so that is 1reason enough to make a story. Second ''reward'', you get to see how the game ends. And for EVERY game, you can go watch or read how the game ends on the internet. That is the case for EVERY game! So why is this a dealbreaker for Smash? Just because you can spoil something does'nt mean everyone will. If someone does, that's their decision and they are the minority, most ppl will play the game first and get to experience everything first hand while playing, so why ruin their fun just because a minority don't mind ruining theirs.

Secondly, the cutscenes were awsome, that was the reasons they were on Youtube. Ppl after beating the game wanted to rewatch them again and again and show them to their friends w/o having to replay hours of the story just to watch that paticular cutscenes (I don't remember if you had a ingame option to watch cutscenes, someone tell me if I'm wrong). Those awsome cutscenes available to everyone on the internet were not ruining the game for anyone, they were instead advertise the game to those who did'nt think they would buy it.

Basicaly what Sakurai is saying is ''We can only truly wow someone with a cutscenes the first time they see it. Internet exists so a few ppl choosing to be wowed on the internet and ruining it for them in the game is bound to happen. So I chosen to not wow anyone at all'' Seriously, it seems that Nintendo is filled from head to toe with ppl thinking non-sense.

^This! I'm fine with the decision, it's just the logic behind it is so nonsensical even for Nintendo that this can't possibly be the real reason.