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Buttons 100% of the time... This won't change for me, (or most people) anytime soon. For so many of the reasons a lot of you have already mentioned. I have Siri on my iPhone and RARELY use it... It works perfectly fine... Yet I still RARELY (if ever) use it. My hands are frequently occupied, you would think Siri would be the ultimate... but its not... You think I want voice commands on my home console?? Another reason mentioned, that has merit, it is simply rude to others... If it's 11 PM at night, I don't want to be talking loudly to my TV simply to communicate with a device that more than likely won't accurately interrupt what I'm trying to say, thus requiring me to repeat it multiple times. (much like Siri). To the person that says why would you rather walk than be teleported??? Um... Convenience does not always mean better (as someone else already said). I'd personally rather walk the few blocks.. Fresh air, stretch my legs, see the sights, see people, exercise, and enjoy the outdoors. The good news is... Voice controls will NEVER be fully adapted by the masses. It will find a very small niche market, no matter how much money M$ throws at this. The general feedback is very negative in regards to Kinect and Voice Controls. Just this survey alone is a small sample size of the feelings of almost EVERY poll taken of the general public's view on the same topic.