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brendude13 said:
I can't believe I watched the whole thing. Somehow that video managed to be more convoluted and nonsensical than MGS2 itself. He seemed to be reading far too into things. Very few points he made actually made sense or were actually linked to the events in the game.

Completely disagree with this but each to his own.

Check this out as well:




Also here is the sum up to the thematics of each MGS game really =>


"Metal Gear Solid deals with genetics and the moral implications of genetic engineering also referred to as ('gene')"

"Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty deals with how identity can be affected by the philosophies of one's society (a 'meme') and the effects of censorship on society"

"Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater deals with how the time and place one lives in (a 'scene') affects their identity and how politics change along with the times"

"Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots deals with the artificially controlled (and globally shared) sense-data of the new era's nanotech-enhanced soldiers aka ('sense')"