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I had stopped playing Pokemon shortly after Black n White released for various reasons, namely Pokemon fatigue (250+ hours training teams in Pearl), majority of B/W's pokemon not looking to good imo, no access to previous gen pokemon in B/W until way later in the game, my parents getting an N router so no access to online, and Yu-gi-oh becoming my main hobby in place of video games for a good while. However, now I'ma be getting back into it once the awesome looking X & Y comes out, and more so than ever before via VGC tournaments. Despite the change-ups and new pokemon X/Y will bring, I've already been watching lot's of competitive battles and researching the meta. Even came up with a team I'd wanna use, though I can't make it atm since I'd need Black/White 2. I also needs my friend to show me how to use PokeSav so I can do what normally has to be done in 250+ hours in less than 20 minutes. So anywho, who else is rejoining the phenomenon that is Pocket Monsters!?