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Xiru said:
starcraft said:
Xiru said:
It wasn't Sony that stated it. If it were Sony, then I would be dubious, but it was the developers.

Im sorry mate, but who do you think pays those developer's salaries? They were all first or second party.

Here is the quote:

Guerrilla's Managing Director Herman Hulst stated of being able to develop exclusively for the PlayStation 3: "It's a huge benefit. If you're developing a game on multiple platforms there are restrictions you always have to take into consideration.

"We are taking huge advantage of the architecture of PS3. I firmly believe that what we've shown we can get out of that machine would be difficult, if not impossible, to deliver on a competing machine."

On the same issue of developing Killzone 2 on multiple platforms, Killzone 2 Producer Steven Ter Heide made the following comments: "I would say [It's] impossible. We literally can't do this stuff on any machine other than the PS3."

Ter Heide went on to point out the advantages of Blu-ray on the PS3: "To make it simple, the Xbox 360 doesn't have SixAxis or Blu-ray. PlayStation 3 does. And for us that's a really big thing. The level you've just seen is 2GB. We really need Blu-ray to make the game. I don't know how you could fit it on Xbox 360 without taking some shortcuts."

Here is one from Epic as well:

They are 3rd party.

Did you not read what I just said about First and Second party developers?  For example, if these same men worked for Microsoft they would be saying how Xbox Live benefits them by being the only competent online service that exists for consoles, and how great it is to have a game controller that fits well with shooter.

While on the topic of Microsoft's console, the Epic article you mentioned highlights how easy it is to get extra maps out for games one Microsoft's superior online service. 


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